Policy - Procedures & Community Standards

We are here to get you on the global map of the Gardening Exchange Stands and Seed Libraries. (form at the bottom) or on our app (working on this) Please read our mission statement.

We run our own social media to help promote all locations. If you get in a publication, please share that with us so we can highlight this on our social media. Email the article to; Freeplantngardenstands@gmail.com

We have a facebook private group for the hosts, a global one and the main private group that is based in Arizona. Plus a few other states. When filling out the form, please add your FB name so we can send you an invite.

We share all the seed’s, plants, garden art or anything donated when it comes here to headquarters in Arizona. Or if another host receives bulk seeds/items, there is an announcement in the hosts private group. We will make this available to those able to pick up and distribute. (locations vary)

We have a flyer that you can print and add to your Stand/Seed Library with basic etiquette when visiting a location. We suggest laminating or putting it in a frame. A metal placard has been in the works, so stay tuned.

We do fun giveaways on our FB groups when new or larger plants or garden goodies come in.

We will post fun educational workshops, Plant N Seed exchanges or meet your host at any location as long as the language is approved from headquarters. Some are at zero cost, while others have a suggested minimum donation to cover supplies or renting a space. We do not have any sponsorships at this time for educational workshops.

We have a thank you letter you can print to share with donors. If you do collect any funds at an event, a check will need to be made out to Free Plant N Garden Stands Org and mailed to headquarters.

We have a letter asking companies that you can print. We ask that when they donate they send us an email for our records. Hosts have to coordinate this with headquarters before pick up so there are no discrepancies of the donated items. NO discrimination on who would receive these items on the foundation's social media. Let’s remember our locations are 1st come/1st get.

We will add you to the map at no charge and will update when you need to close for holiday, repairs or for summer/winter.

We have seed shepherds in Arizona and will get the seed packets to as many locations as possible. You are welcome to ask and stop by headquarters to pick up.

We do need proof, photos of a location that is missing or in disrepair Example, (safety issues) The app will eventually have this option.

******WHAT WE ** DO NOT DO*******.

We DO NOT step in if there is an issue with a neighbor, visitor, host-on-host issue or an online comment/post. We have rules in place in our private Facebook groups. Any disparaging/disrespectful comments/posts will be deleted and after 3-5 issues the persons will be removed.

We DO NOT pay for your stand, items to fill them (unless there is a large donation to share, or available)

We DO NOT need to be told of an issue of things taken. Either too much, no one donates or if your stand was taken. There are many Freecycle, Buy Nothing, Offer Up, FB MarketPlace and freebies. You have to have the skills to deal with these things, if they arise.

We DO NOT allow pantry items in our social media posts. There is a whole other movement for that. This has created issues with neighbors as it brings in rodents and other wildlife.

We DO NOT allow ANY photos of children from events unless posted by that parent and or guardian in a single post or comment.

We DO NOT manage your location, but ask the community to tidy up when visiting. Please keep it tidy. Check for spiders, ants, stagnant water that smells or can hold mosquito larva after 3-5 days.

********MORE DETAILS *******

We implemented a community policy of respect which includes paying-it-forward and treating each host and plant stand appropriately such as only taking what you are able to personally plant.

Anyone found taking items to sell or drive business should be prohibited where possible. We will reinforce the above.

IF AN ISSUE DOES PRESENT ITSELF where you would think you need to call the authorities here is our suggestion;

Although the foundation supports each location, local hosts are solely responsible for each Plant Stand-Seed Library. They are not operated or run by the foundation. Each local host has the legal authority and responsibility to deal with issues at their individual location. Individual hosts and participants are not representatives of the foundation and hosts have the legal right to take responsibility for the stand they host on their property. This right includes involving law enforcement or authorities if a host feels threatened or if illegal actions occur. Each host is individually responsible for any such response. Hosts who act outside of the foundation's standards, policies, or existing law will be subject to removal from the program. All hosts and individuals are personally responsible for any comments made on social media or in person as they execute their right to free speech. The foundation reserves the right to remove any party who violates community standards at the sole discretion of the foundation. Any party who jeopardizes the foundation's operations, including creating problems with host companies such as Facebook or donors will be removed and no further communications will be made except through counsel. Any further communication outside of counsel will not be responded to and will be considered harassment.

Please know that this is not legal advice and should not be taken as such. This is rather an opinion on a situation that may appear.

Anyone who violates a stated community policy will be reviewed. Then if the violation is determined the person will be automatically removed from the group or access to the group.

Our disclaimer;

The *Free Plant N Garden Stands collects and distributes seeds and plants that are open pollinated and heirloom seeds. We do not or will not accept or distribute patented seeds or varieties that are protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act. Please note that seeds that are available through us are a combination of commercially available seeds and those donated by the community and shared freely with interested growers. While we do our best to maintain the integrity of seeds in the collection, this is not a commercial seed source, and the quality of seeds may vary. If you discover any problems with your seeds, including poor germination, of-types, or mislabeling, please let us know. A seed library is a community effort and you can help keep the collection healthy.

Be advised that photos/videos may be taken during your visit or at our events and may be published on social media to promote the *Free Plant N Garden Stands Org. When at a stand or event, you are on PRIVATE PROPERTY; use shall be considered RECREATIONAL Owner Not Liable for injuries A.R.S.S. 33-1551



Bringing back gardening culture together,

Board members include,

DePhane Marcelle Weaver, Paul Weaver, Randi Senseman, Melodie Gatz, Michael Glover, Emerson Senseman, Karl Senseman,

The “city farm” Homestead Headquarters

1438 North 66th Place Mesa, Arizona 85205

Free Plant N Garden Stand Foundation


*We are a component fund under Legacy Global programs (previously known as The Charity Foundation) EIN# 20-8099462


June Planting Guide


October Planting Guide, Veg, Herb and Flowers